Here is how to contribute to the Spine Model documentation and catalogue
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👍 🎉 First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! We’re really glad you’re reading this, because we need active contributers. 👍 🎉
Important resources
- There is a small SpineModel slack group ( Send us an email to get invited.
- You can follow @spinemodel on twitter.
- If you’re familiar with GitHub, the repository for this site is here.
- If you’d like to send Kevin an email directly, use
Did you find a bug/mistake/broken link?
Please report it via
Would you like to add a new page or extend an existing one?
Easiest Way
Email your contribution to us. The preferred format is markdown, but any text format is accepted (Word, Pdf, even plain text in your email). We’ll credit you on the page(s) you contribute to.
For those familiar with using GitHub and Jekyll is a static jekyll site, using the Jekyll Documentation Theme from the awesome Tom Johnson.
Fork the repo from GitHub and send a pull request with your contribution.
Style Conventions has been developed with the following values, keep them in mind when contributing:
- Precise - Short, concise descriptions of various parts of Spine Models.
- Simple - Avoid jargon where plain language will do.
- Shallow - Create a map, not an archive. Rather than duplicating content from other sources, add the relevant snippet and link to the source.
Welcome! is a volunteer effort. We encourage you to pitch in and join the team!